Noah Osteroos

Freshman, Tenor I

On a day not too long ago, the Earth rumbled, and a steaming fissure carved its way through the planet's crust. And from it sprung a miraculous child, pristine and perfectly preserved in the Earth's warm core, possibly for thousands of years. As he rose through the shattered tectonic plates, he emitted a pitch so high and mighty that he would discover another purpose singing High Tenor for the CU Buffoons.

This child came to be known as Noah Osteroos, who is currently a sophomore studying Computer Science. While his existence has been a constant on the earth for centuries, he began to sing for us in the fall of 2024. In his free time, Noah is an avid plant dad, nurturing his children the same way Mother Earth once nurtured him in the warm embrace of magma and molten iron.


Jayce Klein


Brandon Perez