Erich Brady

Senior, Baritone, Music Director

Watching TV is as Buffoony as tying cooked sausage links to the back of one’s SUV and driving down the PCH, and that’s to say, very Buffoony. As we binged New Girl one night, something odd began to happen to the picture. Every once in a while, a tall figure could be seen standing in the back of the frame, not moving, just staring blankly. As the massive New Girl fans we are, we took issue with the fact no one remembered seeing this being on previous rewatches of the show. As the episodes progressed, the figure began moving closer to the foreground, eventually standing center frame, in the middle of the action. Frighteningly, none of the characters seemed to notice. Not until one happened to bump into the entity, causing her to immediately vanish from frame, almost as if she was blipped out of that reality. A second later, the creature moved for the first time, raising its arm and touching its own head, also vanishing into thin air. Spooked, the Buffoons took up countermeasures, effectively cutting themselves off from the outside world. For several months, we fortified our house, waiting for the entity to arrive at our door. Little did we know he was inside from the start. Thankfully, he seemed confused as to his own origin, and we were able to convince him that he was Erich Brady, Bass Boy and Musical Maestro. This became his new identity, and Erich has been a valued member of the Buffoons ever since. Just don’t show him any New Girl… we don’t know how he’ll react.


Garret Vliet