Joey Aigner

Senior, Bass

Joey Aigner is no ordinary member in the CU Buffoons. His story is rich with history and intrigue. He started not as the fully grown musical prodigy you see today. He was but a sprout, literally, stemming from the body of an upright bass. During our auditions decades ago, the bass was found within the depths of the music building in the late 1980s, but we knew then that the sprout would not be ready for some time. Absorbing all of the musical and whimsical energy within the music building, this sprout grew and grew. He learned how to share his voice, to become one with the bass, and dabble in experimental physics in his downtime (because why not). He gained a certain glow about him that caused quite the stir when he was rediscovered in the early 2020s. When he was discovered again, he had no name, only a deep resonating bass voice that carried for miles. After much deliberation and a few fist fights, it was decided that this no longer sprout of a vocalist would be deemed Joey Aigner, and he would henceforth continue to grow in the light of his own successes.


M Jordan


Gunnar Neufeld