M Jordan

Senior, Tenor 1

Legend speaks of a set of objects so infinitely powerful and volatile that they had to be separated to stabilize the universe to a state where life could form. Thus, spread out over the vast cosmos are the 26 AlphaBeats, gemstones infused with harmonic potential that, if reunited, could spell the end of all existence. Recently, there is also talk of a warlord, mighty and strong-willed enough to wield the AlphaBeats within a single page of infinite length. Completely unrelated to that story, we recently were lucky enough to make the acquaintance of one going by the name of M (they wouldn’t tell us if it was short for anything, and when we pressed them for more info, they made Kyle disappear from reality… wait, who’s Kyle?). They seem to have some sort of resonate ability to make the group sound infinitely better whenever they’re around, so we’ve retained their services while they… well, honestly we don’t know what they do in their free time, but they can sing so well we don’t care to ask, partially out of concern for our own safety.


Miles Gibbs


Joey Aigner